Thursday, July 7, 2011

I will not grow weary

I follow a blog, REAL FAT and I am always inspired after reading her posts. Recently, she talked about beginning again. What she said really hit home and really made me think about how we all have the opportunity and chance to begin again. With weight loss, I have begun many times. But I've never achieved my goal. I like to say I have lost 100 pounds - the same 20 pounds five times. But the laughs and the jokes at my expense are just a way to cover up the hurt and pain it causes me at not reaching my goals.

Yesterday at my Weight Watcher meeting we talked about an interesting topic. Our leader asked us to complete the sentence, "I'll be able to lose weight when...."

I have sooooo done this. I'll be able to lose weight when:

  • My kids are less reliant on me to do everything for them (more time)

  • I get a raise so I can affort to go to Weight Watchers

  • I do the Mini-Marathon

  • I get my new phone so I can have all the cool weight loss apps

  • My schedule slows down

  • Winter/Summer/Spring/Fall come

  • Football season is over - darn tailgates & parties

But what about RIGHT NOW? WHY can't I lose weight right now? I can. I just have to CHOSE to do it. It's not going to happen without some hard work.

I lost about 20 pounds this year. But I'm back up about 7 of it. This is not acceptable. I can realize my goal. It's very simple really. Eat less. Move more. The more I eat, and the less I move, the more I can expect to gain. The less I eat, and the more I move, the more I can expect to lose. Pretty simple, right?

What do I need to do to lose weight right now?

  1. PLAN. What's the saying, "Failure to plan is planning to fail."

  2. EXERCISE. It makes me feel good. It makes me look better. For now, I have to go boot camp. 5 mornings a week. Take the weekends off.

  3. TRACK FOOD. There's a direct correlation between tracking food and losing weight. Hmm, who knew!

First goal: Hit 10% by August 17th. 6 weeks. 14 pounds.

And I don't know how many people read or care or follow. But I will be more accountable here.


  1. I'm reading! You can do it. I just weighed in yesterday and found I was almost 10 pounds up from my lowest weight so far:( Yes, it's frustrating, but just part of the process. While it is unacceptable, I will accept it and move on. And so will you;)

  2. Thanks Keelie!! You really have no idea how much you inspire me. Because of you, I have gotten up the courage to lead a bible study this fall at my church on the Lord's Table study. Oh my goodness, I'm so nervous! Lets keep at it!!

  3. I'm reading! You can do this, Kara! You are making great progress, so don't let the little jump on the scale derail you. What plan are you doing now? Weight watchers or counting calories? I'll be checking on you!
