Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Phase 1 is complete

I just completed two weeks on Phase 1 of South Beach. I lost 7 pounds which I'm fairly happy with. To be honest, I'm surprised I didn't lose more in my second week (down 1.4 week 2). However, I lost 7 pounds in two weeks. Be happy with it Kara! :)

I faced so many temptations in the past 2 weeks and you know what? I faced them and conquered them. I rocked them. And do you know who I give the glory to? Not me. Not South Beach diet. But God. I give the glory to God for helping me face the temptation and stand up under it.

I Corinthians 10:13 says: The temptations in your life are no different from what other experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptations to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

God is faithful and he kept his word to me these past 2 weeks. I have felt very strong. Stronger than I have felt in years. And I know why. I finally turned this over to God. And he is always good.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Phase 1: Week 1 - DONE!

Results from my first week on Phase 1: Week 1 on the Beach? Down 5.4 pounds! As my five-year old would say, BOO-YAH!

Monday, September 26, 2011

I survived a weekend on the Beach!

I did it! I did it! I survived my weekend weekend on South Beach. I had many challenges and I think I did okay on them!

Challenge 1 - Out to dinner for Chinese
Outcome - had Beef and Brocolli - NO RICE. NO CRISPY NOODLE things

Challenge 2 - Birthday cake
Outcome - had the smallest little tiny taste. It was soooo sweet. My tastebuds have already changed!

Challenge 3 - Bridal shower luncheon
Outcome - Ate the chicken salad on lettuce and that's it (it did have maybe 3 total grapes in it. Oh well)

Challenge 4 - Bridal shower pie
Outcome - Ate more chicken salad

Overall, doing well. I'm on Day #7 of the first Phase and I'm down 5 pounds.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day #4

I'm on Day #4 of Phase 1 of South Beach and doing really well. I haven't had any trouble falling off the wagon and the scale is down several pounds. I even got a "hey, you look skinnier" comment today at work.

I am bit worried as I'm going out of town this weekend and I hear we're going for Chinese for dinner. Hmm....that may be tricky.

Now just gotta EXERCISE!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Anyone having trouble commenting?

Everytime I try to comment on someone's blog, it says I didn't type in the "secret" code thing right. I know I did....it just keeps doing that. My friend Megan said I had to enable cookies. I did that. It worked once but not again. I take that back, it let me comment one time. Anyone, anyone? But if you're having problems, you probably can't comment on my blog post to tell me you're having trouble. AHHH!

Headed to the beach

I'm headed to the beach. No, not THAT beach - SOUTH BEACH.

I'm so clique. I have so turned into my parents. Counting calories, Weight Watchers, South Beach. AHHH! LOSE WEIGHT ALREADY!

In all seriousness, I'm going back to South Beach. I feel the best when I watch my carbs and some recent medical issues have made me realize sugar does bad things to my body. So, I started Phase 1 today.

Breakfast - coffee w/sugar free creamer, string cheese, 2 hard boiled eggs
Snack - almonds
Lunch - roast beef, cheese wrapped in lettuce
Snack - Atkins protein drink
Dinner - white chicken chili w/veggies
Snack - red pepper strips w/something (laughing cow, sour cream/ranch dip)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Goals for the week!

I have one goal for the week - journal and stay in points the entire week. That's it. Just one. I'm hoping that by doing that, the byproduct is losing 2.4 pounds which is my not-really-a-goal-goal. See, the 10 pound challenge is already 2 weeks down and I'm only .6 pounds down total. So, in order to keep up with my weight loss requirements to get 10 pounds in 10 weeks I need to lose 2.4 this upcoming week. Got it?

I've started night journaling again and that really helps me. I start my points at dinnertime and they carry through until dinnertime the next day. It's totally in my head but it helps me.

So, what's your goal this week? How will you achieve it? Barriers to success?? Lets talk!